Англомовний загін 'SMILE"

Вчитель англ.мови: Баран Оксана Йосипівна

Волонтер з Великобританії: Амелія Перрі



We are happy! We are fine!
We love English-speaking time!


Theme of the team: " SPORTS & HEALTH "

01.06. 02.06 06.06 07.06 08.06 09.06 12.06
Opening Day Childhood Day 1. People to people. Our friendly family. 2.Warming up. 3. Action songs. 4. Active games. 5. School rules. 6. Painting competition “What I expect from ELSS” „Чого я чекаю від відпочинку в таборі». 7. Visit to the concert devoted to Childhood Day 8. Інструктаж по ТБ. Acquaintance Day 1. Warming up. 2. Action songs and morrning activities. 3. Visit to the competition devoted to Childhood Day 4. Бесіда « Правила пожежної безпеки» Sports & Games Day 1 Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 3. Situational conversation “At the stadium” 4. Sports and Games. Vocabulary game 5 Active games. 6. Бесіда «Перша допомога при харчових отруєннях» Health is Positive Emotions Film Day 1 Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 3. My favourite film. Vocabulary game. 4. Situational conversation “At the cinema” 5.Бесіда « Правила поводження в громадських місцях» Health is Positive Emotions Entertainment Day 1 Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 3. Hobbies and free time activities. Vocabulary game. 4. Situational conversation “My favourite cartoon” 5.Role plays and games. 6. Бесіда «Дії при сонячному ударі» Health is Positive Emotions Humor Day 1 Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 3. Situational conversation “At the concert” Role plays and games. 4. Competition “The best humour newspaper” 4.Бесіда «Вибухонебезпечні предмети» Nature’s Wonders Day Healing Plants 1 Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 3. Situational conversation “In the forest” Role plays and games. 4. Different plants. Vocabulary game. 5.Бесіда «Поведінка біля водойми»
13.06 14.06 15.06 16.06 19.06 20.06 21.06
Sports & Games Day 1. Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 3. Situational conversation “ At the stadium. In the gym” Role plays and games. 4 Disco. 5. Бесіда «Небезпека на дорозі» 6. Painting competition “Modern kinds of sports” Tourism Day 1. Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 3.A Tour around region. Role plays and games 4. Excursion to the local music school and Natural History Museum” 5.Бесіда «Правила поводження у поході» 6. Competition “The best herbarium” Countrystudy Day 1. Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 3. Situational conversation “ At the border” Role plays and games 3. Ukrainian and British customs. 4. competition “The best Ukrainian Song” 4. Бесіда« Мобільні телефони» International Day 1. Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 3. Situational conversation “ At the market” (fruits & vegetables) Role plays and games 4. Visit to the regional children library. 5.Project “Plants- symbols of Ukraine” 5. Бесіда «Перша допомога» 6. Video film “England”. Health is Positive Emotions Young Talents Day 1. Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 3. Situational conversation “ At the restaurant” (favourite dishes & drinks) Role plays and games 4. Visit to the local library. 5. Бесіда «Правила поводження з незнайомцями.» 6. Active games in the open. Health is Positive Emotions Performance Day 1. Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 3. Situational conversation “ At the theatre” Role plays and games 4.Acting competition “My favourite fairy tale” 2.Бесіда « Безпека велосипедиста» 3. Painting competition “My favourite cartoon character” Farewell Day 1. Warming up. 2. Action songs and morning activities. 2.«Team Tree» - the tree of wishes and responses about life in the ELSS. 3 Active games “Farewell to school” 4. Disco . 5. Бесіда «Коли ти сам удома»

1.06.2017 Opening Day


2.06.2017 Aquaintance Day

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6.06.2017 Sports & Games Day

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7.06.2017 Health is positive emotions




8.06.2017 Entertainment Day




9.06.2017 Humor Day



12.06.2017 Nature's Wonders Day




13.06.2017 Sports & Health Day



14.06.2017 Tourism Day


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